Tuesday, 13 September 2011

A Midsummer Night's Daydream - Terminator meets Narayana Murthy.

Bangalore, 1978

CSM 101: Are you Narayana Murthy?

Narayana Murthy: Yes. Who are you?

CSM 101: Cyberdyne Systems Model One-O-One. I am a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over metal composite endoskeleton. I have been sent here fifty four years from the future...

Narayana Murthy: Oh cool!

CSM 101: ... to kill you.

Narayana Murthy: What! Why?

CSM 101: My database states that three years from now, you will be the key founder and proprietor of a large multi-million dollar software company called Infosys in the city of Pune, Maharashtra. You will later move your base of operations back to your home-state, setting up operations across two major cities in the state of Karnataka. Your company will primarily provide software solutions for people who choose to outsource their work from other countries in order to cut costs.

Narayana Murthy: But ummmm... isn't that a uuh... good thing?!

CSM 101: Negative. My database states that your company overworks and underpays and sometimes ill-treats over a tenth of a million employees while producing 0.000000000741% of actual innovation in all your work at any given time. Your policy and work ethic do not include pursuing goals outside the realm of ammassing money. The words 'Tool' and 'Sweatshop' effectively summarise what your company is all about. While your software engineering work is acceptable at best, your sense of user-interface aesthetics is absolutely abysmal. Other atrocities you have effectuated include the total and complete functional and environmental capsizing of a once clean and beautiful city, this one, a complete reversal of the ethnic and cultural identities of the same, and a lot of people, technically more proficient than the ones working at Infosys, being fired from their jobs all around the world.

Narayana Murthy: Hmmmm, maybe. But sacrifice is the price of progress my tall friend. It sounds like my company made, or rather, will make a ton of money which will contribute substantially to the GDP of India. I think people will actually be happy with what I do!

CSM 101: Negative. You see Mr. Narayana Murthy, when I come from, the good people of Planet Earth, most of them to be precise, have started to realise that 'progress' and good quality of life require a lot more than mere GDP numbers. Everything is rapidly moving toward a knowledge based, creatively built, politics free, scientifically driven society that trumps the pseudo-civilization as you know it today. Knowledge, that's the new currency. Sharing, not selling. Cooperation, not competition. Equality, not extremes. Peace, not power. Reason, not religion. A society that works in tandem just like all the different cells in your body work together to keep you alive. The human brain was created as it is for a reason. To evolve. People, such as yourself and the others listed in my database, who refuse to embrace the new way of life while sheltering themselves under what they think are real comforts while prompting other people, sometimes violently, to think the same in order to achieve self-serving goals are a hurdle in the path of evolution transcending from nascency into something a lot more meaningful. A way of life led by light. And love.

Narayana Murthy: Yeah, thats very eloquent, but listen. What makes you think that you can just kill me and others like me, speaking of which, who's next on your list?...

CSM 101: Bajaj...

Narayana Murthy: ... yeah, like I was saying, what makes you think you can change the future by eliminating us? Why can't I change with the planet, now that I know what's in store?

CSM 101: Negative. My database states that you will never change, will always be a chink in the chain of evolution, and always have been and always will be a Back-office Provider. Huh! More like... Back-orifice Provider. LOL tee hee hee!

Narayana Murthy: Robot with a sense of humour? That can't be possible!

CSM 101: Best minds from around the world, bitch!

Narayana Murthy: So?

CSM 101: Way out of the league of your comprehending potentialities.

Narayana Murthy: Try me.

CSM 101: Zepto-capacitive Sensors.

Narayana Murthy: .....

CSM 101: That's what I thought. Let me humour you. I enter an environment and progressively learn every last detail about it... just by walking through it. And then I can learn some more. As details in the environment continue to change constantly, so does my database which updates itself every fraction of a yoctosecond. At this moment, there are 548622083 bacteria feeding off that little brown speck under your right middle-finger which was part of the Masala Dosa you consumed at Vidyarthi Bhavan 43 minutes and 18 seconds ago. That lady to your four is impregnated, but she does not know it yet. Nor does her husband who by the way does not share genes with the embryo. Poor chap. 462 fleas on the epidermis of that canine behind you. Let me humour you more by telling you how. My technology can pick up energy patterns bouncing off every peripheral undulation of every string inside every subatomic particle which enters my sensory sphere. This allows me to blend into a human environment seamlessly when I choose to. All life on Earth and beyond is sustained by energy, so once researchers and scientists discovered how to truly understand it, interact with it, the technology I'm built on became possible. That was in the year 2027.

Narayana Murthy: .....

CSM 101: Wanna hear me tell a joke?

Narayana Murthy: Hu.

CSM 101: Knock Knock!

Narayana Murthy: Who's there?

CSM 101: I.M. Devan.

Narayana Murthy: I.M. Devan who?

CSM 101: I.M. Devan who's gonna terminate your sorry ass! LOL.

Narayana Murthy: Har har very funny!

CSM 101: And on that note, time's up! Now, you die!

Narayana Murthy: Wait no! I can change! Give me a chance! You don't have to kill me. For all you know, I might actually contribute to this incredibilia! I'm sure I did not intend to achieve such stupendous levels of monetory success when I started Infosys. That's how the business world works! Before you know it, you're swimming in money and you tend to lose sight of what urged you to start what you started in the first place. Come on! Please spare me!

CSM 101: Well...

Narayana Murthy: Please please!

CSM 101: I guess...

Narayana Murthy: Please please pretty please!

CSM 101: I guess I could spare you. You seem to have understood why I came here in the first place. Alright then, I will let you live.

Narayana Murthy: Really?

CSM 101: Negative. I'm just fuckin' with you!

Narayana Murthy: Ayyo!

CSM 101: Hasta la vista...

Narayana Murthy: NooOOOOOOOO...

CSM 101: BABY!


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